英語作文 我們的廚房,用英語描寫自己家的廚房

2021-12-16 11:14:14 字數 913 閱讀 8603


our kitchen is not very big but it's always clean and tidy. there is a stove, some basins and a cupboard. when you enter it, you can see the stove is on your right.

there is a cupboard under it. the chopsticks, cups, plates, bowls are all in the cupboard. my mother often cooks delicous food in the kitchen.

all of us like it very much.



our kitchen is very big/small……



my kitchen is good,it has all the things i need, it has a freezer,it has a rice cooker,it has a stove,it has a sink,there are two windows.one window faces west the other window faces north,the door faces south.the kitchen is kept nice and tidy



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