漢譯英 第16路公共汽車站4排5號四分之三

2021-05-01 21:54:01 字數 924 閱讀 1462


1. bus 16

2. row 4 seat 5

3. three quarters/three fourths4. one half

5. one third

6. people's park

7. north street hospital8. go over the little bridge9.

in the past 350 years10. to this end of this century11. protective forests12.


13. prevent

14. modernised country15. second language

16. get along well with somebody17. at the beginning of ...


1,the no.16 bus station. 2,4 row no.5

3,three-fourth 4,one-second

5,one-third 6,the people's park

7,the north street hospital 8,walk to bridge

9,in the past 350 years 10,at the end of the centry

11,protect forety 12,exibition

13,prevent 14,morden country

15,the second language 16,

17,at the begining of ...

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