get married和be married有什麼異同

2021-05-05 16:44:33 字數 1232 閱讀 5127


be married 強調處於結婚中的狀態,可以加時間,如i am married for 3 years;

ger married 強調「已經結婚」,表示「動作」,你再體會一下。


get married和 be


get married

to get married- this talks about the time two people

got married. it makes us think of the wedding.

correct example: i got


to get married to (someone)- we think of who was married in

the wedding. do not say i got married with someone. it is incorrect.

correct example: i got

married to sam.

to get married in

(someplace)- we think

of where the wedding took place.

correct example: i got

married in hawaii.

be married

to be married- this means a state of being. are you

married or are you single?

correct example: i am


to be married (to someone)- also state of being. but who is

married to you?

correct example: i am

married to sam.

conclusion- when you use to marry or to

get married, think about the wedding. when you use to be married,

think about the person's life now.




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