
2021-03-12 12:02:03 字數 820 閱讀 2651


qss/內載波混頻器 qss/intercarrier mixeram解調器 am demodulator

sif_agc檢測 sif_agc detection載波檢測 carrier detect

數字輔助 digital aid音訊內


qss / intercarrier mixeram demodulator

sif_agc detection

carrier detect

digital auxiliary

audio pre-amplificationde-emphasis

the final stage audio amplification

video synchronous demodulationpreview release


final stage as the place


in qss/carrier mixersam modem

sif_agc detection

carrier detection

digital assistant

audio preamplifier

to increase

the last stage audio amplifiervideo synchronous demodulationportent put

subsidence filter is

depending on the end

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