
2022-11-27 18:26:26 字數 1156 閱讀 1637


private sub command1_click()

dim 語文 as single

dim 數學 as single

dim 英語 as single

dim 物理 as single

dim 化學 as single

語文 = val(text1.text)

數學 = val(text2.text)

英語 = val(text3.text)

物理 = val(text4.text)

化學 = val(text5.text)

if (語文 + 數學 + 英語 + 物理 + 化學 >= 450) or _

(語文 >= 88 and 數學 >= 88 and 英語 >= 88 and 物理 >= 88 and 化學 >= 88) or _

((語文 >= 95 and 數學 >= 95 and 英語 >= 95) or (物理 >= 80 and 化學 >= 80)) then

label7.caption = text1.text & "同學的成績為優秀!"

end if


select case條件是從上到下判斷的,低於0分的要在最前面private sub command1_click()dim a as integer

a = text1.text

select case a

case is < 0

msgbox "error"

case is < 60

text2.text = "不及格"

case is < 70

text2.text = "及格"

case is < 80

text2.text = "中"

case is < 90

text2.text = "良"

case is < 101

text2.text = "優"

case is > 100

msgbox "error"

end select

end sub


把 case is<0: case is >100 改成 else case


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private sub command1 click dim a 10 as integer for i 1 to 10 for j 1 to 10 a i int rnd 100 a j int rnd 100 if a i a j then a i a i 1 next next for i 1...