上海教育出版社七年級上冊課文Visiting Shanghai的內容,忘記帶英語書,謝謝了

2021-07-08 12:41:32 字數 1338 閱讀 5781


visiting shanghai

shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world. if you like sightseeing, you will love it!

people’s square

people’s square is in the centre of shanghai. it is a large public area with green grass, fountains and birds. if you visit people’s square, you can also see famous buildings around it, such as the shanghai grand theatre and the shanghai museum.

the bund

the bund is where old shanghai meets new shanghai. if you walk along the bund, you will see many old buildings. the pudong new area, just across the huangpu river, has many modern buildings.

at night, these tall buildings light up the sky in every direction.

yu garden

yu garden is a traditional garden. if you enjoy history and natural beauty, you will love this garden. there are many beautiful buildings, bridges and ponds.

you can also buy different snacks just outside the garden.


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1.自己寫 2.1 博學多識 2 一拍即合 3 義憤填膺 4 尋歡作樂 5 忘乎所以 3.自己寫 4.甲 烏木色的濃密捲髮從頭上一直批到肩上。乙 在他那很發達的腦門上豎立著很短的頭髮。5.頭,發,鬍子,眼睛,目光 6.a7.甲 活潑,思維敏捷,善於表達 乙 聰慧,堅毅,樸實而又固執 8.一位著名女演...


要點 你可以來自已拓展 自,寫詳細些 1 沒有趟bai不過的河,困難面前,du 要勇往直前zhi,不要退縮,永不言棄 dao,方可成功。2 推動發電機 舉起龐大的輪船,幫助他們迅速航行 對著課文找吧 3 為了人生理想,要抵制 奔流不息,才可到達成功的彼岸。這首散文詩,作者用了不少其他形象與小溪流進行...