急急急英語口語對話,求翻譯 請大家幫我翻譯一下啊

2021-04-01 02:54:55 字數 919 閱讀 7942


首先確認下 你這是要編對話還是翻譯你上面寫的? 上面的翻譯是機器翻譯。


1, b customer two months ago bought a real leather, now bad, and he wants to go to a refund, but the shopkeeper a not promised to refund, only promised him to change a new goods, b that changing a will bad, think only of refund, two people dialogue to solve this problem.

2。is the knowledge is important regarding the work, experiences importantly. a, b two people hold two viewpoints separately, then launches the discussion, a thought that the knowledge is a foundation, is necessary; b thought that the experience is the work premise, had the experience to be possible a better work.

a is the customer, b is a construction ***pany manager, the customer to visit the ***pany's operation and management of various departments, managers, introduced to him one by one, the dialogue for this scene,


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如果我們 要得到生命中的任何東西,讓我們不要忘了我們必須要堅強。如果我們在學校裡成績優異,我們必須用功而且無論我們遇到什麼困難我們都不能放棄。我門就會發現許多功課是非常難的,但是我們要這樣想 如果我們堅持下去並且戰勝他們,功課越難,我們獲益就越多 但是我們之中在遇到數學中難的例題時總會想要放棄 說 ...


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