
2021-03-21 19:01:40 字數 754 閱讀 3762


1. could you please tell me where is ...?

2. would you please tell me where is...?

3. can you tell me where is ...?

4. would you mind telling me where is ...?

5. do you know where is...?

前面可以加個excuse me,表示客氣。


1、excuse me,could you tell me where is the ****** ?

2、could you tell way to ****** ?

3、excuse me,how can i get to the ****** ?


excuse me, can you tell me the way to ...?

excuse me, where is the ...?


can you tell/show me the way to ...?

where is the ...?

how can i get to……?


excuse me,how can i go to...

用英語表示3 00有幾種,3 00用英語?

因為3 00是整點就用直接表達法 用基數詞 o clock來表示整點,注意o clock須用單數,可以省略。如 eight o clock 八點鐘,ten o clock 十點鐘若想表明是上午,可在時間後加上am或a.m.如 thirteen past six a.m.上午六點十三分 若想表明是下午...


what is the wether like?what was the wether like?what will be the wether like?notes 後面兩句在來運用自 時需要一定的時間壯語,這樣才會符合英語的一般表達習慣。what will be the wether like?...


你好,很高興在這裡回答你的問題 用英語說在學校有幾種說法?at school in the school in the school at school on school 可簡介,不可完全照用 關於學校的句子有哪些 英語 school standards were unacceptably low...