小學6年紀英語比較好的進,小學4 5 6年紀英語比較好的進

2021-03-14 21:23:05 字數 867 閱讀 6289



he walked off without saying a word。

one man was beaten yesterday 。


he goes sailing every year.

he always tells lies to others,he is dishonest.


i will be the greatest man in the world!

thanks to that,he won't play with us any more.


look!there is someone singing!

i am shopping with my mother at present.


一般過去式 yesterday, i went to my friend's home

last day, the weather was hot and dry.

一般現在時 he likes his family and friends

he is a good student and he likes studying

一般將來時 next year, i will go to high school.

tomorrow, i will visit my father's office

現在進行時 look, he is playing with his dog

right now, i am playing football with my best friends

小學北師大版1至6年紀課本內名言警句彙總(切記 非古詩 非古

清明前後,種瓜點豆.2.朝霞不出門,晚霞行千里.3.天上魚鱗斑,晒穀不用翻.4.雞遲宿,鴨歡叫,風雨不久到.1 山村 宋 邵雍 一去二三裡,煙村四五家。亭臺六七座,十枝花。2 詠鵝 唐 駱賓王 鵝,鵝,鵝,曲項向天歌。白毛浮綠水,紅掌撥清波。5 字與拼音 一 3 登鸛雀樓 唐 王之煥 白日依山盡,黃...


你好,我幫你解答 用去一半油,減少了3.6 1.9 1.7千克所以油一共重1.7 2 3.4千克 所以瓶子重3.6 3.4 0.2千克 不明白的可以發資訊給我 先用色拉油連瓶的總數減去剩下連瓶的總數 3 6 1.9 1.7 千克 媽媽用去了1.7千克,1.7千克是一半的重量,就要 2 1.7 2 3...


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