
2022-06-08 13:56:22 字數 1762 閱讀 7186


dim p as integer, q as integer

dim i as integer, j as integer,n as integer



for i = 1 to int(546 / 19)

' for j = 2 to int(546 / 28)

if (546 - 19 * i) mod 28 < (546 - 19 * (i - 1)) mod 28 then

p = i: q = (546 - 19 * i) / 28

end if




print p, q,n '輸出 27 1 5


'最優是 19米14,28米10,剩餘0 注意加個text1,設為多行

private sub command1_click()

dim tmp as variant

dim tmp1 as single, tmp2 as single, s_tp as string

dim t*** as variant

dim s1 as string, ss as string, l_tp as single

dim i as long, l as long, x as long, k1 as long, k2 as long, k3 as long, k4 as long, kk as long

kk = 546

k1 = 19

k2 = 28

k3 = kk \ k1k4 = kk \ k2

for i = 1 to k3

for l = 1 to k4

l_tp = i * k1 + l * k2

if l_tp <= kk then

s1 = i & "," & l & "," & kk - l_tp

ss = ss & "*" & s1

end if



tmp = split(ss, "*")

for i = 1 to ubound(tmp)

for x = i + 1 to ubound(tmp)

tmp1 = mid(tmp(x), instrrev(tmp(x), ",") + 1, 3)

tmp2 = mid(tmp(i), instrrev(tmp(i), ",") + 1, 3)

if tmp1 > tmp2 then

s_tp = tmp(i)

tmp(i) = tmp(x)

tmp(x) = s_tp

end if



print tmp(ubound(tmp))

ss = k1 & "米," & k2 & "米," & "剩餘"

for i = ubound(tmp) to 0 step -1

ss = ss & vbcrlf & tmp(i)

' print tmp(i)


text1.text = ss

msgbox "利用率最高的方法是" & tmp(ubound(tmp))

end sub


視覺化程式設計一般有一下步驟 設計程式介面 編寫程式 除錯 執行程式 物件導向的程式設計以物件為中心,以事件為過程執行的起點 例題 設計一個簡易的打字測試程式,單擊 開始 按鈕,計時開始,輸入字元 單擊 結束 按鈕,程式輸出打字速度。1 啟動vb,新建一個vb標準exe工程。單擊工具箱中的文字框控制...

vb程式設計計算,VB程式設計計算 1 2

private sub command1 click dim i as integer,j as integerdim l as long,h as longfor i 1 to 10 h 1 for j 1 to i h h j next l l h next print l end sub pr...


option explicit private sub command1 click dim a as integer dim i,j,n redim a 9,9 for i 1 to 8 print tab 25 i 2 for j 1 to i a i,1 1 a i,i 1 a i 1,j 1...