
2022-05-14 19:43:22 字數 3746 閱讀 9657


沒有中文的主題歌,但98世界盃**中有coco唱的colors of the world,但只是入選了世界盃歌曲合輯而已,並沒有在盃賽中被廣泛宣傳或傳播。而且中間大段的說唱也是英文,相信聽過並且英語聽力不是很好的朋友肯定印象深刻呵呵~~

至於在97年抽籤儀式上馬丁演唱的生命之杯the cup of life (法國非常注重本國文化,即使無論從哪個方面看這首歌都是歷屆世界盃賽主題歌中的精品,但由於沒有使用法語,因此只能在歐洲明星隊與世界明星隊的墊場的抽籤儀式上展示給世界了。《開賽後中場休息時卻只有這首歌響徹在各個賽場內,這也不能不說是對欽定主題歌的一種諷刺。當然,這是後話。

>這不能不說是個遺憾。)和開幕式演唱的主題歌《你介意我踢球嗎?》(do you mind if i play)都有中文的歌詞翻譯,但唱出來就沒有原作的感覺了。




cup of life


do you mind if i play


cup of life 生命之杯



do you mind if i play



令裡奇馬丁躋身世界級巨星之列的98法國世界盃主題曲the cup of life------生命之杯

the cup of life

do you really want it? (yeah!)

do you really want it? (yeah!)

do you really want it? (yeah!)


go, go, go (go, go, go)

ale, ale, ale (ale, ale, ale)

go (go)

go (go)

go (go)

go (go)

here we go!

the cup of life,

this is the one.

now is the time,

don't ever stop.

push it along,

gotta be strong,

push it along,

right to the top.

como cain y abel

es un partido cruel

tienes que pelear por una estrella

consigue con honor

la copa del amor

para sobrevivir y luchar por ella

luchar por ella (yeah!)

do you really want it? (yeah!)

here we go!! ale, ale, ale

go, go, goal!! ale, ale, ale

arriba va!! el mundo esta de pie

go, go, goal!! ale, ale, ale

la vida es


hay que sor

ser campeon

la copa es

la bendicion

la ganaras

go go go

and when you feel the heat,

the world is at your feet.

no one can hold you down

if you really want it!

just steal your destiny

right from the hands of fate.

reach for the cup of life

'cause your name is on it!

do you really want it? (yeah!)

do you really want it? (yeah!)

tu y yo, ale, ale, ale!

go, go, gol! ale, ale, ale!

tonight's the night! we're gonna celebrate!

the cup of life! ale, ale, ale!

gotta go and get it.

do you really want it?

gotta go and get it.

do you really want it? (yeah!)

the cup of life,

this is the one.

now is the time,

don't ever stop.

push it along,

gotta be strong,

push it along,

right to the top.

como cain y abel

es un partido cruel

tienes que pelear por una estrella

consigue con honor

la copa del amor

para sobrevivir y luchar por ella (si!)

luchar por ella (si!)

luchar por ella (yeah!)

do you really want it? (yeah!)

here we go! ale, ale, ale!

go, go, goal! ale, ale, ale!

tonight's the night! we're gonna celebrate!

the cup of life! ale, ale, ale!

un, dos, tres! ole, ole, ole!

un, deux, trois! ale, ale, ale!

arriba va!! el mundo esta de pie

go, go, gol!! ale, ale, ale!

ale, ale (ale, ale)

ale, ale (ale, ale)

ale, ale (ale, ale)

ale, ale, ale!ya!



cup of life



do you mind if i play




官方主題曲是do you mind if i play(我踢球你介意嗎),但是影響力不大,最廣為流傳的是另一首the cup of life(生命之杯)。



do you mind if i play天下足球節目介紹過,是官方指定的主題歌是這首很多人都認為是生命之杯


說生命之杯的人全他媽錯的,官方主題曲法語歌曲偉大的賽場,英文版的名字我踢球你介意嗎 生命之杯 歌譜名稱 the cup of life 生命之杯 歌手 ricky martin 英文歌詞 the cup of life the cup of life do you really want it?ye...


98年世界盃,法國門將叫巴特斯,親吻他光頭的後位是布蘭科。布蘭克的經典動作是在1998年世界盃每場比賽前都親吻一下門將法比安 巴特茲的大光頭。他的任務還有維護好自己作為教練和 之間的關係,因為此前多梅內克與 的關係已經跌入谷底。門將叫巴特茲,親他的光頭叫布蘭科。布蘭科決賽沒有上場,但賽前準備的時候還...


the cup of life 列印此頁 歌手 ricky martin the cup of life the cup of life do you really want it?yeah do you really want it?yeah do you really want it?yeah ...