
2022-02-17 14:19:24 字數 5338 閱讀 2062


children's day

兒童節 childermas /children's day6月1日 on june 1 (one)

new year's day

元旦 new year's /new year's day1月1日 on january 1(one)christmas day

聖誕節 christmas day /xm.(=christmas) /xmas /noel

12月25日 on december 25 (twenty five)

national day

國慶節 national day

10月01日 on october 1 (one)mother's day

母親節 mother's day

5月13日 on may 13 (thirteen)teacher's day

教師節 teacher's day /teachers' day9月10日 on september 10 (ten


children's day

兒童節6/1 june the first

new year's day

元旦 1/1

christmas day

聖誕節12/25 the twenty-fifth of decembernational day

國慶節10/1 october the firstwomen's day

母親節5/13 the thirteenth of mayteacher's day


spring festival

春節 大概就是這樣吧


求1-12月的傳統和大型節日 要準確的日期和節日名稱 全部是英文,日期和節日都用英文


lunar calendarjanuary one(the spring festival)——春節

lunar calendarjanuary fifteen(lantern festival)——元宵節

march eight(international women' day)——國際婦女節

april five(tomb-sweeping day)——清明節

may one(international labour day)——國際勞動節

june one(international children's day)——國際兒童節

lunar calendar may fifth(the dragon-boat festival)——端午節

lunar calendar august fifteen(the mid-autumn festival)——中秋節

august one (army day)——建軍節

september ten(teacher's day)——教師節

october one(national day)——國慶節

january one(new year's day)——元旦


元旦(new year's day) --- january one

情人節(valentine's day)---february fourteen

國際婦女節(international women' day)---march eight

清明節(tomb-sweeping day) ---april five

國際勞動節(international labour day) ---may one

國際兒童節(international children's day) --- june one

建軍節(army day) ---august one

教師節(teacher's day) ---september ten

國慶節(national day) ---october one

春節(the spring festival)---lunar calendar january one

元宵節(lantern festival)--- lunar calendar january fifteen

端午節(the dragon-boat festival)---lunar calendar may fifth

中秋節(the mid-autumn festival) ---lunar calendar august fifteen

(注:後面為日期,lunar calendar為農曆)。





節日和日期的英文:festivals and dates

dates 讀法 英 [deɪt]    美 [deɪt]

n. 日期;年代;會晤時間;約會;約會物件;棗椰樹;棗子

v. 給 ... 標明日期;確定年代;過時;顯老;和 ... 約會;追溯到

例句1、young people's clothes date quickly nowadays.


2、the custom dates back hundreds of years.


短語1、birth date 出生日期

2、meeting date 開會日期

3、from that date 從那時起

4、on a certain date 在某一日期

5、out of date 過時的







1、to date 到目前為止

2、up to date 時新的

3、date for an exam 考試日期4、date of birth 出生日期

5、date of meeting 開會的日期


january 1 new year' day 元旦

1st day of 1st lunar month (正月初一) chinese new year (spring festival)(春節)

15th day of 1st lunar month (正月十五) lantern festival (元宵節)

march 8 international women's day 國際婦女節

march 12 arbor day 植樹節

april 5 qingming festival 清明節

may 1 labour day 勞動節

5th day of 5th lunar month(五月初五) duanwu festival (dragon boat festival) 端午節

7th day of 7th lunar month (七月初七) qixi festival (the night of sevens, magpie festival)七夕節

15th day of 7th lunar month (七月十五) ghost festival 中元節

august 1 army day 建軍節

15th day of 8th lunar month (八月十五) mid-autumn festival (moon festival) 中秋節

9th day of 9th lunar month (九月初九) double ninth festival (chongyang festival) 重陽節

october 1 national day 國慶節

december 8 laba festival 臘八節

december 21 or 22 dongzhi festival (winter solstice festival) 冬至



january 1 new year' day 元旦

1st day of 1st lunar month (正月初一) chinese new year (spring festival)(春節)

15th day of 1st lunar month (正月十五) lantern festival (元宵節)

march 8 international women's day 國際婦女節

march 12 arbor day 植樹節

april 5 qingming festival 清明節

may 1 labour day 勞動節

5th day of 5th lunar month(五月初五) duanwu festival (dragon boat festival) 端午節

7th day of 7th lunar month (七月初七) qixi festival (the night of sevens, magpie festival)七夕節

15th day of 7th lunar month (七月十五) ghost festival 中元節

august 1 army day 建軍節

15th day of 8th lunar month (八月十五) mid-autumn festival (moon festival) 中秋節

9th day of 9th lunar month (九月初九) double ninth festival (chongyang festival) 重陽節

october 1 national day 國慶節

december 8 laba festival 臘八節

december 21 or 22 dongzhi festival (winter solstice festival) 冬至


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