
2021-03-26 18:52:06 字數 1712 閱讀 7937



品的位置關係, 用介詞in.on.under. 比如the book is in my schoolbag.

the cup is on the table.

the dog is under the desk.

the tv set is in front of me.

the clothes are hung out of the window.




句型的特點,這個句型是用來介紹物品或事物位置的。總是用there be(is、are開頭先說這是你的專房間,(this is my room.it is not very big but i)例如:

屬 look!this is my room. it is **all,but it is very beautiful.

there is a picture on the wall.near the picture,there is a photo of my family mumbers and me.my desk is beside my bed.

my desk is blue.oh!there is a football under the desk.

l can play football very well.l like my room very much


look!this is my room. it is **all,but it is very beautiful.

there is a picture on the wall.near the picture,there is a photo of my family mumbers and me.my desk is beside my bed.

my desk is blue.oh!there is a football under the desk.

l can play football very well.l like my room very much.



襲的內bei bi小人容!


look,this is my room.my desk is biue,and my chair is blue to,look that, that is my photo of my family numbers and me.i like my room.


hi,i'm sandy.wel***e to my room.my room is not big but very clean.

there are some flowers on the window. there is a desk near the window. there are some books on the desk.

i often do my homework at the desk. there is a bed in the room too. i often clean my room.

i love it very much.


家裡的各個房間都咋說,快來搞定吧 整體佈局是比較理想的,廳在中,房在倆側,符合陰陽平均,有利於家庭和睦團結的,但仍然存在如下一些情況 1北面的廁所剛好壓在十字線上不吉,因為水火不留十字線,建議改做儲物室,或其他用途.西面廁所改公用,但也要避免在十字線上.2書房把整個房子的風水都破壞了,建議拆除,讓客...


首先,將排骨稍加醃製,倒入少量麵粉,加點水,讓排骨感覺有一層溼麵粉。然後,將油鍋燒熱,把排骨依個放入鍋內炸,炸至金黃撈起控油。再將鍋內的油存起來,留少量油在鍋內,下入蔥花,薑末爆香,加入適量清水 醬油 醋 白糖 料酒 倒入排骨,燒開後用慢火煮至湯汁濃,排骨熟,就ok。然後鍋置火上,放油燒到七成熱 油...


hello my name is i come from china.i am in class 2 grade 5.i m ten years old.and i like drawing and listening to music.我叫復 來自中制 國,xx小學五年級二班,bai 我今年十歲,...